
Terms and conditions


Version May 2023

1. Ownership.

1. 1. This website and any other related website (collectively, the “Platform”) is property of CITY JOB OFFERS S.L. (“CJO” or “us”), a company legally incorporated under the laws of Spain with registered address at c/Albert Einstein, 1-3, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona, Spain), with Spanish VAT no. (“N.I.F.”) B-67082594 and registered against the Commercial Registry of Barcelona (Registro Mercantil de Barcelona) under General Volume 46117, Folio no. 182, sheet no. 509970 and 1 Inscription.

2. The Platform.


2.1. Through the Platform we provide users with several services in relation to recruiting that may vary in the future. For example, the Services include:

2.1.1. Job offers portal. The Platform serves as a centralized hub for job seekers ("Candidates” or “Users”) to explore employment opportunities in different fields and industries of third parties which would be the employers (the “Employers”).

2.1.2. Job applications. It enables Users to submit their job applications through the Platform. It allows Candidates to apply for specific positions of Employers by filling out application forms, attaching their CVs, and providing relevant information as applicable.

2.1.3. Job offers alerts. This service provides Users with notifications or alerts regarding new job offers of Employers that match their preferences or profile. Users may set their preferences for job types, locations, or language, and they will receive notifications when relevant job offers become available, helping them stay updated on potential opportunities.

2.1.4. Database for employers. Users may also allow Employers to seek for candidates in our database.


2.2. CJO is not involved in any recruitment process and CJO solely acts as intermediary between the Candidates and potential employers through a digital environment such as the Platform.


2.3. Therefore, we do not guarantee that any Candidate will be offered a job, or that any Employer will hire a Candidate since this will entirely rely on both parties’ agreement and decision.


2.4. The Services are addressed to persons of legal age (+18 years). In the event of being minor (at least 16 years), we would appreciate that you email us to and, if applicable, provide us with the documentation and information necessary to properly deal with your candidature, including the authorization of your parents or tutors (“Minimum Age”).


2.5. CJO is currently working to enable interested Employers to access and consult its database. Once this functionality is implemented, the corresponding Terms of Use applicable to Employers will be incorporated into these Terms of Service.

3. Acceptance

3.1. The access, registration and/or any other use of the Platform as well as its related information, Services and content are subject to the legislation, regulations and provisions set forth in these Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy, the Cookies Policy and any other applicable legal terms and policies of the Platform (the “Legal Terms”).


3.2. Users acknowledge and agree that they have read and understood the Legal Terms, whose content is the whole agreement between Users and CJO in relation to the Platform.


3.3. By using the Platform, Users expressly acknowledge and agree to be bound the Legal Terms. Furthermore, Users acknowledge and agree that the Platform do not breach and will not be used to breach any applicable law and/or regulation.


4.1. CJO reserves the right to modify the Legal Terms without prior notice to the Users. In such a case, these modifications will not apply retroactively except if they are in favor of Users.  

5. Account registration.

5.1. To access certain features of the Platform, the Candidate shall register and create an account (the “User Account”). 


5.2. Therefore, Candidates shall:


5.2.1. Provide the requested registration information that is current and accurate;

5.2.2. Choose a password and maintain its confidentiality, selecting one that is not easily decipherable, and preventing its distribution to third parties; and

5.2.3. Keep all data provided to the Platform updated and notify CJO of any changes. 


5.3. Each User Account is only to be used by an individual Candidate and, therefore, a User Account is not transferable.


5.4. Users may delete their User Account at any moment by sending us a written request over email to In such a case, we may delete all the information related to the User Account and, consequently, the User may lose open candidatures and other information related to its User Account. We will not bear any liability for that deletion and/or loss of information.


5.5. The use of the password is personal and non-transferable, and its assignment to third parties, even if it is temporary, is not permitted. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their User Account, profile, and passwords, as applicable. Users are responsible for the use of their records and passwords for the Platform, whether or not authorized by them. Users agree to immediately notify CJO of any unauthorized use of their User Account, profile, or passwords.

5.6. It is forbidden to use or attempt to use another person’s account or create a false identity.


6. Use of the Platform.

6.1. Users agree to use the Platform in accordance with the law, morality, generally accepted good customs, public order, and the existing provisions of the Legal Terms. In particular, but without limitation, Users agree not to use it for illegal purposes, those contrary to the provisions of the Legal Terms, to harm the rights and interests of CJO, Employers or third-party purposes and/or in any way damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Platform or prevent normal use.


6.2. Since CJO does not intervene in the Candidate selection processes, when Users write their content, they must use appropriate language.


6.3. In particular, but not limited to the above, Users commit to comply with the following "Rules of Good Behavior" of the Platform:

  1. Behaving in a respectful and polite manner in their interactions and communications with other Users and/or Employers and with CJO.

  2. Not promoting or marketing products and/or services within the Platform unless expressly permitted in its functionalities and Legal Terms.

  3. Not sharing unwanted or illegal content with other Users.

  4. Not impersonating the identity of third parties.

  5. Not harassing or defaming third parties.

  6. Not infringing on the rights of third parties, such as intellectual property, industrial property, or image rights.

  7. Not posting content that promotes hatred, violence, racism, intolerance, homophobia, or terrorism.

  8. Respecting the beliefs and sexual orientations of third parties.

  9. Respecting the freedom of expression rights of Users and third parties.


6.4. The interpretation of the Rules of Good Behavior is exclusively competence of CJO, which can be modified at any time, without Users having to be notified.


6.5. CJO reserves the right to block those User accounts that are enrolling in offers in bulk with regard to the standard behavior of other Users.


6.6. We reserve the right, at any time and without prior notice, to disable, temporarily or permanently, the User's access to the Platform and its Services (including access to the User's account) if, in our opinion, the User has violated any provision of the Legal Terms and/or applicable regulations, or if there are reasonable doubts in this regard. Likewise, and without obligation, CJO reserves the right to carry out the necessary investigation work to prevent the aforementioned. For this purpose, CJO may collaborate with the competent law enforcement authorities.


6.7. The User must immediately inform CJO if a third party uses their account without authorization.

7. Versions.

7.1. The Legal Terms only permit Users to use the version of the Platform provided by CJO at the time it is made available (i.e., CJO will only provide at its discretion Users with the newest version of the Platform and, therefore, Users will not have the option to choose which version they want to use). Former or alternate versions of the Platform are not included. Old versions will neither be available nor supported.


8. Restrictions.

8.1. Unauthorized copying of the Platform or any part thereof, is expressly prohibited.


8.2. The Legal Terms only gives Users some rights to use the Platform and CJO reserves all other rights. Users do not acquire any rights, express or implied, other than those expressly granted in the Legal Terms. Unless applicable law gives Users more rights despite this limitation, Users may use the Platform only as expressly permitted in the Legal Terms. In doing so, Users agree that they shall comply with any technical limitations in the Platform that only allow Users to use the Platform in certain ways. Users agree that it shall not, nor shall Users permit others to:

8.2.1. Work around any technical limitations in the Platform;

8.2.2. Post any content or material that promotes or endorses false or misleading information or illegal activities, or presents or provides instructions on illegal activities or other activities prohibited by the Legal Terms, such as the manufacturing and sale of illegal weapons, invasion of privacy, distribution or creation of any computer virus or hacking; and/or

8.2.3. Post any CV or profile or request any job on behalf of another person.



9.  Verification

9.1. CJO may monitor the use of the Platform and profiles accuracy, for example but not limited to, tracking IP or other device identification numbers. Additionally, CJO may request, and Users obliged to provide, any documentation to evidence that the use of the Platform is performed according to the Legal Terms. CJO may remotely suspend or terminate the use of the Platform if it detects any suspicious use of the Platform until the User provides with evidence of its correct use.

10. Fees. 
10.1. CJO offers the Services free of charge. However, in the future, CJO may offer paid services and/or products. If so, CJO will inform Users so they can decide whether or not to contract the paid services and/or products.


10.2. Whenever applicable in accordance with consumer protection regulations, the Candidate who has purchased a product and/or service in the App may, within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the contract is concluded with CJO or from the date they receive the product or the last of the products requested in a single order, cancel the contract without the need to specify the reason.


10.3. The User acknowledges that some products and/or services are excluded from the right of withdrawal due to their nature or the characteristics of the applicable sectoral regulations.


10.4. The exercise of the right of withdrawal will not imply any cost for the User. However, the User will be responsible for the necessary expenses to return the product to CJO if indicated in the Platform.


10.5. Whenever future paid products/services are offered through the Platform, Users represent and warrant to CJO that they will have the necessary authorizations to use the selected payment method at the time of placing their order, thereby exempting CJO from any liability for unauthorized or otherwise illegitimate use.


10.6. Payments denied, totally or partially, by the corresponding entity will automatically result in the cancellation of the order.

10.7. Payments by bank card will be subject to checks and authorizations by the issuing bank of the cards. CJO will not have access to the confidential information of the cards. Likewise, we will use payment gateways that offer security guarantees in line with market standards (e.g., SSL encryption - Secure Socket Layer).


11. Intellectual and industrial property rights.

11.1. Users acknowledge and agree that the whole rights, tittles and interests of and related to the Platform, its contents and software applications, including any modification, updating and new versions as well as any distinctive sign (registered or not), know-how, intellectual property right, trade secrets, domain name and any other intellectual or industrial property right (“IPR”) related to the Platform and/or its related materials, such as, but not limited to the productive behaviors, frictions, families, diagnostics, roadmaps, root causes, and the relationships between these materials, are exclusive property of CJO or are used by CJO under license and with due authorization of the holders of such rights, titles or interests.


11.2. In this sense, Users acknowledge and agree that they do not acquire any IPR with the mere use of our Platform and of any of its functionalities and, therefore, in no event can this use be deemed as an authorization or license to use them with different purposes to those set forth in the Legal Terms.


11.3. As a result of the above, it is forbidden to reproduce, in whole or in part, modify, transform, copy, distribute, communicate publicly, make available to the public, or perform any other exploitation of the Platform, its contents, applications, materials, designs and look and feel, as well as the source/object code and all those elements configuring its structure and appearance.


11.4. Furthermore, Users acknowledge and agree that it is forbidden to decompose, reverse engineer, or create derivative works of the software by replicating the functionality and access of the Platform, as well as the attempt to decipher the keys, systems or encryption algorithms or any other security element.


11.5. The non-compliance of any of these provisions will mean that CJO may exercise against the offender or offenders any suitable legal action for the defense of its rights, titles, or interests, including the possibility of claiming damages.


11.6. CJO shall be the owner of any, direct or indirect, improvement, benchmarking, know-how or trade secret arising from the execution of these Terms of Service related to the Platform. In particular, CJO shall be the owner of any usage information, metrics and/or any other anonymized data obtained in connection with the usage of the Platform.



12. Users’ content.
12.1. Users are the only responsible for all content, materials and any other information that they upload into the Platform and otherwise deliver to us (the “Users Content”).


12.2. Users are the only responsible for the information they provide to the Platform, which must be true. The User guarantees the authenticity and veracity of all the data communicated as a result of completing the necessary forms to subscribe to the Services. Likewise, the User will be responsible for keeping all the information provided to CJO updated, considering its real situation.


12.3. CJO does not assume any responsibility regarding the content of the images published by the Users, nor does it confirm the ownership of the copyright of them, it is the responsibility of the Users to have the necessary rights and permissions to publish them.


12.4. Users grant to CJO a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicensable and royalty-free license to use the Users Content only in relation to and within the framework of the Platform and Services.

12.5. CJO has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor the Users Content. In this sense, CJO may withdraw, remove or temporarily disable Users Content from the Platform if CJO considers that such content infringes or may infringe the Legal Terms and/or third parties rights.

12.6. Users represent and warrant to CJO that their respective Users Content does not infringe third parties’ rights and will hold CJO harmless of any sanction and/or claim in relation to the above. 

12.7. Users are the only responsible of the inaccurate or false statements made and the damages caused to CJO or third parties due to the provided information. 

13. Personal data.

13.1. By using the Platform, Candidates acknowledge and agree that CJO may collect and process personal data about them according to the Privacy Policy of the Platform.


13.2. For the proper provision of the Services, we may share Candidates’ personal data with Employers.


13.3. For more information on how we process your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.


14. Advertising

14.1. CJO reserves the right to include advertising, whether its own or from third parties, on the Platform.


14.2. Employers declare that the content they upload and/or share on the Platform will not contain their own advertising or third-party advertising.

15. Liability. 
15.1. Due to the unpredictable situations that characterize Internet and technical environments, CJO reserves the right to temporarily suspend the Platform for technical, security, maintenance, or any other justified reason under CJO criteria.


15.2. The suspension of the Platform does not give Users any compensation or indemnification right. However, CJO will do its best efforts to limit, when possible, any suspension or interruption of the Platform.


15.3. Furthermore, CJO reserves the right to implement and make changes and/or updates within the Platform at any time, with or without prior notification.


15.4. In any event, Users acknowledge and agree that CJO will be able to make certain actions to forbid Users to access and use the Platform during limited periods of time.


15.5. In this sense, Users accept that CJO will not be responsible, as a result of the above-mentioned actions, for any deletion or availability failure of the Services or functionalities of the Platform.


15.6. CJO neither represents nor guarantees that Users obtain certain results after the utilization of the Platform. Therefore, in no event will CJO, its representatives, directors, or employees be responsible for any incidental, fortuitous, particular or consequential damage, including but not limited to any loss of profits, dismissal, admonition, data, business opportunities or software errors, having or not predictable character, and whose result is, directly or indirectly, related to use of the Platform.


15.7. In no event shall CJO be responsible for the contents, activities, products and/or services available through electronic links (including deep links), directly or indirectly, related to our Platform. The links included in our Platform, or that can be included in our Platform, cannot be deemed as holding any kind of relationship between CJO and the natural person or legal entity holding or managing the linked website/content, and therefore cannot be deemed as any suggestion, invitation or recommendation by CJO regarding these websites or their content.


15.8. CJO shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that Users can suffer as a result of the inappropriate use of the Platform or as a result of Users not complying with these Terms of Service or with the instructions provided by CJO through any means of communication.


15.9. CJO are not liable for actions or omissions of the potential Employers. We act as a mere intermediary only facilitating the contact between Candidates and potential Employers, being potential Employers the only liable entity against Candidates of the veracity of the conditions offered as well as the conditions of the job.

16. Warranties.
16.1. In no event shall the Services or any information provided on the Platform be deemed as an employment advice. Final decision in such matter, and in any other matter related to the professional career of Candidate shall, in all cases, solely rely on the Candidate and/or Employer as decision makers.


16.2. CJO warranties in the Legal Terms are exclusive and are in lieu of all other warranties, whether express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.


16.3. CJO does not warrant: (i) that the Platform will meet other than as standard requirements or those specified by CJO in writing; (ii) that the Platform will operate in combination with software not standard or not specified by CJO from time to time; and (iii) other than as stated above, that the operation of the Platform will be uninterrupted or error-free or that the Platform will protect against all possible security threats, internet threats or other threats or interruptions.

17. Indemnity.

17.1. Users shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless CJO from and against any damage or costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) in connection with claims, demands, suits, or proceedings (“Claims”) arising out of or relating to (a) any actual or alleged infringement of any intellectual/industrial property rights of a third-party by the User; (b) the failure of Employers to protect Candidates confidential information or personal data as required under the Legal Terms; (c) any fraud, breach or willful misconduct by Users in connection with the performance of the Legal Terms.

18. Termination.
18.1. These Terms of Service, the Services, hereunder automatically terminate if User breaches any provision of the Legal Terms.


18.2. All rights and obligations in these Terms of Service will cease to apply and be extinguished on termination on any grounds, except those rights and obligations that, according to the nature or terms of the Legal Terms, shall survive the termination such.


18.3. Termination shall not limit CJO from pursuing other remedies available to it, including injunctive relief. Besides, CJO reserves the right to monitor and suspend the Platform as set out in other sections of the Legal Terms.


19. Force Majeure. 

19.1. Any possible delay or failure to execute the Legal Terms by CJO shall not be considered as a breach thereof and will be excused to the extent that it has been caused by any factors outside of reasonable control of CJO, including, acts of God, power outages, natural disasters, airspace closures and restrictions of the public authority, bad weather, pandemic, strikes, public disturbances or threats thereof and war or threat of war


20. Applicable law and jurisdiction.

20.1. The interpretation and/or enforceability of these Terms of Service shall be governed by the Laws of Spain unless other imperative Law applies to consumers.


20.2. The Parties agree to submit all conflicts arising from or related to the Services of the Platform and/or to the Legal Terms to the courts of the city of Barcelona, and they waive any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled. However, in the event that the applicable regulations for the defense of consumers and users establish the possibility for consumers and/or users to choose the jurisdiction corresponding to their place of residence, they may proceed in accordance with said regulations.


20.3 On the other hand, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes, we inform consumer Users that the European Commission has established an online dispute resolution platform to resolve disputes arising from contractual obligations resulting from online sales or service contracts between a consumer resident in the Union and a company established in the Union. Users can obtain additional information through the following link:

21. Contact. 

21.1. For any question related with the Services/Platform and of these Terms of Service, Users may contact directly with us through the following methods: .


  • Dirección: C/ Albert Einstein, 1-3, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat, Barcelona

  • Teléfono: +34 93 220 95 93

  • Email: