
Legal Notice

1. Ownership and object of the website

The website (herein after, the “Website”) is property of [City Job Offers, S.L. (herein after, “CJO”, “we”, “us” or “our”), company legally incorporated under the laws of Spain with registered address at Calle Professor Barraquer 36, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain., with NIF no. B-67082594

2. Acceptance of the legal notice

The access and use of our Website as well as its related information, services and content are subject to the legislation, regulations and provisions set forth in this Legal Notice. The User acknowledges and agrees that he has read and understood this Legal Notice which content is the whole agreement between the User and CJO. By using the services of our Website, the User expressly acknowledges and agrees to be bind by this Legal Notice as well as to the Privacy and Cookies Policy. Furthermore, the User acknowledges and agrees that the services and content offered through this Website do not violate and will not be used to violate any applicable law and/or regulation. We reserve the right to modify this Legal Notice without prior notice to the User. In this sense, it is important that the User regularly checks this Legal Notice.

3. CJO

Through this Website, CJO advertises job offers of third parties’ recruitment processes and collects CV for recruitment processes. CJO is not involved in such recruitment processes andit solely acts as intermediary between the candidates and potential employers through a digital environments such as the Website. The job offers are generally addresses to persons of legal age (+18 years). In the event of being minor, we would appreciate that you inform us and, if applicable, provide us with the documentation and information necessary to properly deal with your candidature, including the authorization of your parents or tutors.

4. Use conditions

The User undertakes to use the Website as well as its contents, in a diligent form, in compliance with the law, the morals and the public order, and according to the terms of this Legal Notice refraining, as well, to use it in any form that prevents or may prevent its regular operation and usage by other Users, or that it could damage or cause damages to the image, reputation, the interests and the rights of CJO, of its providers, clients, Users, or in general, of any third. Users shall use the Website under their sole and exclusive liability. Notwithstanding the above, we reserve the right to refuse or withdraw the access to the Website, at any time and without need of prior notice, to any User that does not comply with the provisions of this Legal Notice.

5. Exclusions of responsibility 

Due to the unpredictable situations that characterize Internet and technical environments, we reserve the right of temporarily suspend the services of the Website for technical, security, maintenance or any other justified reason under our criteria. The suspension of the services does not give the User any compensation or indemnification right; however, we will do our best efforts to limit, when possible, any suspension or interruption of the services. Furthermore, we reserve the right to implement and make changes and/or updates of the Website at any time, with or without prior notification. In any case, the User acknowledges and agrees that CJO will be able to make certain actions to forbid User to access and use the Website during limited periods of time. In this sense, the User accepts that CJO will not be responsible, as a result of the above-mentioned actions, for any deletion or availability failure of the services or functionalities of the Website. CJO does not represent neither guarantee the obtaining of certain results after the utilization of the services of the Website. Therefore, in no event CJO, its representatives, directors, or employees will be responsible for any incidental, fortuitous, particular or consequential damage, including but not limited to any loss of profits, data, business opportunities or software errors, having or not predictable character and which result or is, direct or indirectly, related with use of the Website. In no event shall CJO be responsible for those contents, activities, products and/or services available through electronic links (links), direct or indirectly, related to our Website. The links included in our Website or that can be included in our Website cannot be deemed as any kind of relationship between CJO and the natural person or legal entity holding or managing the linked website and neither cannot be deemed as any suggestion, invitation or recommendation regarding these websites or its content. We shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that Users can suffer as a result of an inappropriate use of the Website or if the Users do not comply with this Legal Notice or with those instructions provided by us through any communication means. We are not liable for actions or omissions of the potential employers. We act as a mere intermediary only facilitating the contact between candidates and potential employers, being potential employers the only liable entity against Users (candidates) of the veracity of the conditions offered as well as the conditions of the job.

6. Intellectual and industrial property rights

The User acknowledges and agrees that the whole rights, tittles and interests of and related to the Website, its contents and software applications, including any modification, updating and new versions as well as any distinctive sign (registered or not), know-how, intellectual property right, domain name and any other intellectual or industrial property right related to the Website is exclusive property of CJO or is used by CJO under license and with due authorization of the holders of such rights, tittles or interests. In this sense, the User does not acquire any intellectual or industrial property right with the mere use of our Website and of any of its functionalities and, therefore, in no event this use can be deemed as an authorization or license to use the contents of this Website with different purposes to those set forth in this Legal Notice. As a result of the above, it is forbidden the reproduction, in whole or in part, modification, transformation, copy, distribution, public communication or any other exploitation of the Website, its contents, applications, designs and look & feel of its contents as well as the source code and all those elements configuring its structure an appearance. Furthermore, the User acknowledges and agrees that it is forbidden to decompose, make reverse engineering or do derivate works of the software managing the functionality and access of this Website and the services performed thereof. The non-compliance of any of these provisions will mean that we can exercise against the offender or offenders any suitable legal action for the defense of its rights, titles or interests, including the possibility of clamming for damages.

7. Privacy policy and cookies

By accepting this Legal Notice, the User acknowledges and agrees to have read, understood and accepted our Privacy and Cookies Policy.

8. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The interpretation and/or enforceability of this Legal Notice shall be governed by the Laws of Spain. The Parties agree to submit all conflicts arising from or related to the services of the Website and/or to this Legal Notice to the courts of the city of Barcelona, and they waive any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled. Notwithstanding this, in the vent that the Spanish or autonomic consumers regulations sets forth the possibility that consumers and/or users choose another competent courts, these regulations will be applied.

9. Contact

For any question related with the services of our Website and of this Legal Notice, Users can contact directly with us by email;; and/or by written request addressed to our offices located in: Calle Muntaner, 330.