German Content Moderator at a Social Media Platform
Don't miss this opportunity for German-speakers in sunny Lisbon.
🎒 Discover and explore new countries by working abroad.
In your free time discover new beaches to enjoy the good weather, like the local culture and gastronomy, learn a new language.
❤️ Benefits
Team building and outdoor activities organized by the employee

Talk to a recruiter
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Apply and our competent multilingual recruitment team will be happy to provide you with more information about the position.

🎯 Your day to day
Review and moderate online content in your language, posted on the German market
Ensure that all information uploaded by users follow the guidelines based on client’s policies
Learn all about policies and community standards
Propose improvement ideas
These are just some of the companies in Lisbon that are waiting for you to join their teams

🎯 Your Profile
You are proficient in German and fluent in English
You have experience in dealing with high volumes of online content
You have excellent written and verbal communication skills
You are passionate about the online world
You can distinguish self-beliefs from moderated content and policies
You have a positive attitude
Working in Lisbon 👩🏽💻
Discover a new culture.
Gain valuable work experience.
Expand your network.
Step out of your comfort zone.
Learn a new language.
Find out what really interests you & what kind of work will make you happy.