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Working abroad? Here’s how to make a long distance relationship work

Written by City Job Offers | Jun 25, 2024 9:21:52 AM

8 tips to survive a long distance relationship after starting a new career abroad


Did you find a lifetime opportunity in another country but your partner isn’t able to go with you?

Moving abroad without your partner can be difficult. They want to support you and your career but can’t follow you at this time. It’s easier than ever to be in a long distance relationship with plenty of ways to communicate. Thanks to technology things such as phone calls, video calls and social media are much more accessible then they were 20 or even 10 years ago. 

But even with technology, being apart can cause frustrations and make you feel lonely. You will miss each other. This relationship takes more effort and dedication from both sides but it creates stronger bonds.

So how do you make the long distance work?


Appreciate the little things


Being long distance will make you more grateful for simple things like being able to spend time together in person. The little things are all more special in these kinds of relationships. While other couples who see each other everyday might take it for granted, you and your partner will value your time together more.


Communication is key 


It may be typical but it’s true, all relationships require communication to last and especially long distance relationships. It’s important to stay in contact daily but don’t overdo it. Figure out what works best for you and your partner. You don’t need to be talking at all times: one facetime at the end of the day could work and sending simple greetings in the morning or at night can help fight the distance as these are the times when you two might feel most lonely.

You can also give each other mini mundane updates with photos or videos. Send each other memes throughout the day. Both of you have to put in the effort to make sure the other person feels appreciated and loved. 

You also must talk about the more serious aspects of your relationship and make sure you’re both on the same page. Do you both see it going in the same direction? Is it an exclusive or open relationship? Be honest and open. Tell each other how you feel, don’t bottle things up and support each other. 

Recommend things to each other such as songs, books, movies, and so on. This will give you more to talk about but also allows you to get to know each other and your interests more. Don’t forget to be creative with communication: sending a voice message, a postcard or a letter, flowers with a note or something personal that your person would appreciate. 


Know each other’s schedules


If you know each other's schedules or routine, it can make it easier to find time to talk, and not bother each other when busy, or if you’re in different timezones.  


Trust each other


Not seeing your partner or knowing what they’re doing can cause insecurities about who they are with but you just have to trust them. If you feel like something is off, you have to talk about it with them to avoid future problems. 


Plan trips to see each other


Plan to see each other ahead of time that way you both have something to look forward to. When you’re together, make the most of the time but don’t overplan. If you’re stressed trying to stuff too many activities in one day, it will ruin the experience. Organizing unique and exciting activities can also make your time together even more special. 


Online dates


Aside from just talking online, use the wonders of the technology to plan dates. Stream movies and shows together. Go on walks while on a video call together. Go on virtual dates, programs such as Dovey Dates allow you to go on immersive dates that make it seem like you're together. 


Be positive


Waiting to see your significant other and be hard but it’s important to be grateful for what you have. You have something worth holding onto and you won’t take each other for granted.


Don’t forget about your own life


Make sure you both still have your independent lives, hobbies and friends. Your partner is important but your whole life shouldn’t revolve around them. The time apart will give you both time to discover yourselves. Both of you can step out of your comfort zones. You’ll both be able to concentrate more on your work and when you're together you can focus more on each other. 


Remember why you both decided to make a long distance relationship work. It may be hard but you both decided to try. With dedication, trust and communication these relationships can make it through the difficult parts and be healthy and successful.  



Don’t let the fear of losing your relationship stop you from getting the opportunity of a lifetime abroad, long distance relationships can work! Take the chance and check out our job offers, your next job is just a click away!