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Increase your chances of getting a job with these tips

Written by City Job Offers | Jul 23, 2024 7:36:15 AM

How to increase your chances of getting a job


The job market is very competitive and maybe you’re not seeing the results you want. If so, it may be time to take a different approach. 

Getting hired often comes down to who is willing to think creatively and take risks. The job search process can also be daunting and nerve-wracking for some applicants. 

Discover how you can boost your chances of getting hired and land that dream job sooner than later with these tips:


Update your resume


The first thing you can do to increase your chances of getting hired is to update your resume. If you’ve been using the same resume for years and aren’t applying for jobs that require a certain format, it’s time to update it. 

Make sure your resume reflects your current skills and experience, and uses a format that the hiring manager would expect to see. Make sure your portfolio includes examples of your best work, and is relevant to the job you’re applying for and how they will help you succeed in this job. 

Make it easy to read - Use bullet points and short sentences so that recruiters can scan through quickly without having to jump back and forth between pages or paragraphs too often!

Your resume is the first thing your potential employer will see, so it’s important to have a professional-looking document. If you don’t take the time to make sure your resume is ready to do some work, you might miss out on an opportunity.


Pay attention to the details


Attention to detail is one of the most important traits a job applicant can have. You don't want to be the person who sends an email asking for a date and then uses "you're" instead of "your."

It's hard to take seriously someone whose spelling and grammar makes you cringe, so make sure you give your CV the proper polish before sending it out into the world.

Additionally, keep in mind that there are many different formats for resumes—choose one that showcases your skills while also creating clean lines on paper (and screens).


Network like your job depends on it


A lot of individuals think networking is all about trying to get your CV in front of as many people as possible. While those things are part of networking, they’re only one part of it. Networking is about building relationships with the people you’re in daily contact with, such as colleagues, professors, and people you come in contact with in your daily life.

It’s about building relationships with people who can help you advance in your career and land that dream job. 

It’s not about trying to sell your skills or get a job from someone you barely know. To boost your chances of getting hired, you should build a strong network of contacts. That means you should do more than just add a person to your LinkedIn or social media feeds. You should take the time to get to know people. Engage in conversation, and make an effort to find out what these people are interested in and what they do. 

When you network, you discover who in your network can help you get a job. And you do that by asking people what they do, what they like to do, and finding out who they know who can help you get a job. 

The more people you know, the better your chances are at finding something that fits. Ask for help from friends and family members who can introduce you to people who are connected in their own networks, or offer advice based on what they've learned through their own experiences.

It's also important to maintain solid relationships with former colleagues after leaving a job — even if it didn't work out as planned — so that they'll still be there when it comes time for someone else's search.


Go to job fairs


Job fairs are a great way to meet people who can help you get a job. Many recruiters attend job fairs to source candidates and to meet new people. Job fairs are an excellent place to network and get your resume in front of people who can help you get a job. 

To increase your chances of getting hired at these events, be sure to prepare for it. Research the companies that will be hiring at the job fair, and make a note of key company representatives who will be interviewing candidates.

It’s also a good idea to practice answering the most common interview questions. All that preparation will help you boost your chances of getting hired at the job fair.


Advertise your skills


If you specialize in a certain skill set, or you’re interested in a job that doesn’t seem to be hiring in your area, you can boost your chances of getting hired by advertising your skills. For example, let’s say you’re interested in becoming a virtual assistant (VA). While job postings for virtual assistants are rare, there are plenty of other jobs that could use someone with your skills. You’d just need to find them. 

To find jobs that use your skills, try searching for job postings that use keywords for your skill set. You can also try networking and telling people in your industry or field about your skills and what you’re looking for.


Jump on new opportunities


To increase your chances of getting a job, you need to get out there and apply for jobs. Just remember: don't be afraid to apply for jobs that aren't directly related to what you want to do with your career.


Don’t be afraid to be creative and take risks


If you’ve been applying for a job and getting no response, you may want to consider new ways to apply for the job. Try different things and don’t be afraid to take a risk. The more creative you are and the more risks you take, the sooner you’ll find a job that’s a great fit for you.


Your job search should be a well-thought-out process


You need to be ready to go when opportunities arise and take action, but also be prepared to make your next move. And that's where this checklist comes in handy!


When applying for jobs, recruiters might only review your CV for a few seconds. That’s why it’s crucial to include keywords, but do you know how to find the right ones? Read more here →