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Watch out for these 8 flags in a job ad

Written by City Job Offers | Jul 23, 2024 7:32:58 AM

Major red flags to watch out for in job descriptions


In the job search process, you’re bound to come across some red flags. It’s important to be cautious about these things so that you don’t fall victim to a scam or get tricked into signing an unfair contract.

It's crucial to check the details and be cautious. You have talent, don’t waste your chance to get hired with fake or low quality job offers.

Here are some red flags that could indicate something fishy about the offer and help you avoid getting swindled by a potential employer:


1. Job ad is overly vague or clearly incorrect


If you notice that the job ad is completely off from the actual job title or type of position, you should be careful. A company that is trying to get you to work for them with a false job description is probably not one that you want to work for.

If you notice that the job description is completely inaccurate or vague, that should be a red flag.


2. Asks for too much experience


If you see a junior position or any kind of entry-level role that requires years of experience, you should probably avoid that company.

Not only is it discouraging to any young candidates who are looking for work but it also means that that company will ask too much of you or won’t have very good salaries.


3. Too many requirements


If a job description asks for too many things, it’s best to move on. First of all, that company doesn’t seem to know exactly what it’s looking for.

If you were to get the job, you might not have specific responsibilities and it could be overwhelming right from the start.


4. The company doesn’t actually exist


If you look up a company and they don’t show up: big red flag. If you try to find them on social media and they show up but haven’t posted in a long time, tread lightly. 

They might be undergoing changes with their websites and social networks but it shouldn't be that hard to find information about a company.


5. The work location is unknown


If you don’t even know where the job is, this could mean that it is a remote job but it is rare that a job offer doesn’t specify the location or at least mention that it is remote from anywhere or remote in a certain country.

But if you’re supposed to be working from home and the company doesn’t even know where that is, that could be a concern.


6. Spelling errors


A job offer with too many noticeable spelling or grammatical mistakes shows poor attention to detail and looks unprofessional.

If the company doesn’t work to create proper, attractive job offers, there’s probably other issues there that you’re better off just avoiding.


7. The interview process is rushed or unusual


If you are interviewing for a job and you notice that the interview process is completely out of the ordinary, you should be careful. The company might just be a very disorganized company, but it could also be a sign that something is strange

For example, a job interview that goes from an in-person interview to an immediate offer without any kind of break between them or an offer that is significantly higher than a standard offer are both signs that something is off.


8. Too many questions


Before even sending your CV a company might require you fill out a form answering questions about your motivations and skills. If there are too many questions, candidates are less likely to apply and they’re not wrong. 

If it is a job that you’re really interested in and you meet the requirements for it, then take a go at it. However, make sure it’s worth your time and energy. Remember that they’re are plenty of other job opportunities out there with simpler application processes.




The job search process can present you with plenty of opportunities to get scammed or tricked into signing a bad contract. If you stay alert, it’s easy to recognize these red flags before they become serious problems. 

It’s important to avoid desperation when you’re job searching, but it’s also important to recognize that red flags aren’t always bad. Every situation is different, and you shouldn’t let a red flag panic you.

Instead, you should use it as a chance to re-evaluate the situation and make sure that you’re making smart choices.


Job interviews can cause one to be nervous. But with practice, these nerves can be controlled. Learn simple tips to build confidence and ace your next interview! Read more here →