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Tips to feel comfortable at work to share your ideas

Written by City Job Offers | Aug 6, 2024 7:56:36 AM

8 key ways to express your ideas in the workplace


Expressing your thoughts at work is a great way to improve the overall atmosphere of your office but it can seem a bit overwhelming at times. However, with practice, expressing your ideas and opinions can help you become more confident, positive, open to being wrong and open to criticism and learning.

So how can you express your thoughts in the most effective way possible?


Be confident


Be confident in yourself. If you don't believe in what you are saying or feel like there is a possibility that someone will disagree with what you have said then this can make it hard for others to listen to what you have said!

Don’t be scared to speak up. Your thoughts and ideas matter and could lead to innovative ideas for your company.  


Be clear


Expressing your thoughts, doubts and opinions is an important part of any job, but it's also one that can be difficult if you are not used to doing it.

A good way to express yourself at work is by being concise and communicating well. Keep it brief but make sure to explain your thoughts clearly to avoid any confusion.




You may have an idea that you would like to bring up but it’s lacking something. Brainstorm with your coworkers and improve the idea. Maybe they have a similar thought and you can combine to make it truly something genius.


Be kind


Positivity and kindness go a long way when communicating with people. Being kind even if inconveniences arise during discussions make people feel happier overall especially if they're feeling stressed due to certain circumstances.

It’s good practice too because sometimes those same gestures may come back around later – we don't always know who might need help someday!

Also your ideas may replace an idea that someone else had, so it’s best to tread lightly. Express your thoughts and how they could be helpful to the success of the company but while still being respectful to others’ ideas.


Think first


Take time to think before speaking, but it's okay if something doesn't go right on the first try! Just remember, before you say anything: consider the situation, the people, and the context.

What's going on? Who is involved? Why are you speaking up? How will what you say be received by those around you or by your manager/coworkers? How can you make sure that everyone feels heard and respected (even if they don't agree with your point of view)?




A good way to practice expressing your thoughts is by writing down everything that comes into your mind about the issue or idea at hand—even if it seems insignificant or unrelated—and then re-reading what was written down. 

This helps prevent things from being left out. It also allows you to develop clear goals around what you want to achieve through your actions. This gives you specific next steps rather than just having some vague idea floating around without direction as well as help reduce anxiety over not knowing where things go after saying them aloud (which happens more often than we think).


Speak when you have something to contribute


Don't speak just to speak. Some people will talk in meetings just to say something, but they don't really have anything relevant to say or add. If this happens too often, the other people at the table will become annoyed and deemphasize your contributions even further.

The best way to avoid this situation is by only speaking when you have something worthwhile and relevant on your mind—and then be ready with it before you start speaking!


It’s ok to disagree


People who work together in an office environment don't always agree or like everything about each other's work or personalities. This doesn't mean that everyone has bad intentions; it just means that we all have different opinions about things (which is actually good!).

Work is a place where everyone should feel free and comfortable sharing ideas with others so they can benefit from them too.


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