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How you can create a job search strategy that actually works

Written by City Job Offers | Oct 3, 2024 3:08:43 PM

5 ways to make an effective job search strategy


There are millions of people looking for a new job. There are many ways to go about the job search process, but if you have an effective strategy, it can become much easier to find your next job. 

When coming up with a plan, you have to figure out what you’re trying to achieve: better work conditions, your first job, a new profession, maybe just a different position in your current company and so on.

This will allow you to tailor your job search strategy to fit your goals and find you a job that actually interests you. 

So how can you make a strategy that will help you land a job?


Ask yourself: what and why?


A lot of factors go into wanting a new job. It is crucial that you decide what you want and why you want the change. Figure out simple things like where you want to work and what kind of job you want. Also analyze what you can offer and what you’d like to learn in a new role. 

In addition, what you like about your current position or past positions can be helpful as well. Narrow down your list of wants with these additional questions:

    • Do I want to work in an office?
    • Do I want to work in a creative sector or something more analytical?
    • Do I want to work for a company that makes a positive impact?
    • Do I see myself growing a career in this role?
    • Do I want to work remotely?
    • Do I want to work a regular 8 hour schedule?


Figure out your values


What motivates you? What will inspire you daily to keep working? There are people motivated by money, others by wanting to make a difference, or others inspired by their passions. This can help you figure out where you don’t want to work or what you don’t want to do if they don’t link up with your beliefs.

Companies also have their own values. It is becoming more common for organizations to ask potential employees about their motivation and values. This helps them find out if you would be a good fit at the company and also to understand what really motivates you to do your job.


Do your research


Don’t just learn about any kind of role, research what actually interests you and what you're qualified for. If you lack experience, find out how you can gain skills or knowledge in that area.

Research the sector you want to work in. Find out what kind of people work in it and try to connect with them via social media. Creating a network in a specific sector will help you learn more about it and allow you to make connections that can get you closer to your desired job.


Market yourself well


Work on improving how you sell yourself to recruiters. Being able to show your talent and worth is key. Start with your CV, does it represent you well? Does it reflect what you're capable of? Will it stand out from the crowd? 

Once your CV is optimized, create a cover letter, investigate who runs the recruiting process at your desired company and send them your application. Find a way to make a recruiter remember you.


Networking is key


Create connections that will lead you to the companies that interest you. Applying and sending out CVs is a key element of the job search process but growing your network allows your personal brand to become more known.

This also includes creating or sharing content that interests you and interacting in conversations related to your desired sector. Make others recognize you as a reference, as someone who specializes in and has knowledge of a certain subject.


Looking for a job is one of the hardest jobs. You have to prepare for interviews, update your CV, work on your brand, create a proper pitch, and fill out application forms. It requires time and energy but with proper research and hard work, it will lead to great results.