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How to maintain perfect body language during an interview

Written by City Job Offers | Jun 21, 2022 9:27:27 AM

The importance of postures and gentures during an interview


Body language is much more important than we think. This form of communication is based on gestures and postures that transmit information.

It is usually done unconsciously, so it is a good indicator of the person's emotional state and reveals elements that are essential for recruiters to analyze the person.

It has happened to everyone that they've met a person, but this person did not transmit confidence. This is usually because there is a contradiction between what that person communicates verbally and what their body language says.

In an interview, you should not only prepare what you will say, but you should also consider your posture and the gestures you develop when conversing with the recruiter.


8 postures you should avoid in an interview and what they mean:

Prolonged eye contact:

Looking into a person's eyes while talking shows respect, trust and security. However, if that contact is prolonged, it can become invasive and uncomfortable. Sometimes, it also means that you are lying and want to avoid being discovered.

That is why we recommend that while it is important to look at the recruiter, do not do so in an invasive or prolonged manner.

Looking sideways:

This action can have a negative meaning; in non-verbal language, it signifies boredom and that you are looking for escape routes to distract yourself. It places the focus on the interview and the recruiter's interest, and shows that you are paying attention.

Touching your nose:

It could mean that the person making the gesture is lying, but sometimes it can mean that the person is angry, upset or uncomfortable. In general, touching your face while talking places a barrier between the speaker and audience, making communication difficult.

Avoid doing it at all costs because it does not create a good impression and shows nervousness or disinterest.

Tone and volume of your voice:

The tone and volume of voice are essential elements. The union of these two elements can convey the wrong message if you are not careful when speaking. You must have an appropriate tone, slow without reaching the extreme, but that allows the other person to understand that you are calm and have control of what you express.

The volume should also be adequate because if you speak too low, you show nerves and insecurity, and if you do it too loud, it can be seen as disrespectful to be shouting.

Fake smiles:

Another of the great known negative body language is to force a smile. Sometimes, we can fake a smile because of nerves or fear of not looking good. Recruiters are experts in knowing human behavior; therefore, it is preferable to be authentic and not force any emotion that makes us look fake.

Be yourself and laugh only if you want to and if the occasion allows it.

Touching your ear:

This gesture often signifies a desire to block or not hear the words you are hearing. Avoid touching your face because you establish a barrier between the recruiter and your message.

Scratching your neck:

A person making this gesture while talking to you means they are unsure of what they are saying to you. Concentrate on using your hands to gesture and explain some point that makes the recruiter follow you, but if you use them to scratch and cover yourself, you do not generate confidence or security.

Shrugging your shoulders:

It is a universal movement within the nonverbal language, which means not knowing what is happening. Generally, this shoulder movement is accompanied by open palms and slight slouching.

This shows that you are unprepared or that the question surprises you. Be prepared to have possible answers to the interviewer's questions and take a position that is comfortable for you and allows you to explain your answers in the best way.

Crossed arms:

This is a well-known defensive body language posture that signifies rejection or disagreement or sometimes protection. Avoid crossing your arms in your interview because it gives the feeling of being out of the conversation and not wanting to participate or open yourself to a new challenge.

As you can see, many examples of nonverbal language can affect communication and greatly influence the final message. We recommend that you always go prepared. Convince yourself that you are the best candidate for the position, that way it'll be easier to convey that in a job interview.