“What’s your greatest weakness?” is one of the most popular interview questions and also one of the trickiest. Admitting your flaws is never easy, but the right answer could be your ticket to getting hired.
It's all about being authentic and demonstrating that you're self-aware and committed to personal and professional growth.
Here are some tips on how to answer this question effectively:
You should be sincere and choose a genuine weakness, just make sure it's not a critical aspect of the job you're interviewing for. Share how you overcame your weakness and what you learned from the experience.
After identifying your weakness, describe how you have worked to improve it. This could include taking classes, seeking feedback from colleagues, or working with a mentor. This shows how you're actively working to improve yourself.
Keep your response brief and to the point. A good answer to this question should take no more than a minute or two. Then, quickly move on to discussing your strengths and how they make you a great fit for the job.
Present your weakness in a way that highlights your self-awareness and your desire to boost your skills.
One way to do this is by saying that you’re aware of your weakness and that you're working hard to turn it into a strength.
Rehearse your response to this question with friends or by recording yourself. But don’t just memorize your answer, you don’t want to sound like a robot.
You have to actually believe in your answer so you can deliver it with confidence and without hesitation.
Ready to dive into the job search?
Take a leap and browse our exciting job offers here! But if you're looking for even more insider tips and career advice, make your way over to our blog.
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